The museum is based in 1923 on the basis of the private collections of the local Committee of protection of monuments of art and antiquity, and also receipts from a city museum of fine arts and an office of history of arts of Novorossiysk university. In the following years the collection has been replenished at the expense of receipts from the central museums: State Hermitage, Kiev museum of the western and eastern art. The state museum of the fine arts of A.S. Pushkin. The building of the museum is a monument of architecture of the middle of the XIX century. It is a palace constructed in 1856-1858 on the project of architect L.Otton. It is solved in the spirit of the eclecticism extended in those days: lines of baroque character coexist in it with elements of the empire and the rococo style. The most interesting building part as for the architecture is a lobby with the "oar" front staircase cut from Carrara marble. Its design is very original: it is erected without bearing beams and together with platforms forms an effective trailing construction. Interiors of the palace differ with a rich modelled decor, carving decorating doors, accessories from bronze. In twenty three halls of the first and second floors the exposition of three departments is placed: antique, West European and oriental.
Cost: 25 UAH/adults; 15 UAH/students
Markom Travel agency fee as for the organization of visit of museums does not include the cost of entrance tickets which is paid in addition as agreed by the parties.