Отдых в Карпатах откроет вам зеленую сказку горных вершин.


Duration:3 hours 
Cost: by the group of 16+1 is 95 UAH 
Notes: excursions in Odessa

"The Odessa catacombs" is a historically developed name which is traditional now, the name of underground labyrinths located near Odessa and its vicinities. As it is accepted in huge literature volume concerning the Odessa catacombs, we will use this term without quotes though in itself it not correct, and doesn't reflect the essence of underground cavities located near Odessa.

Catacombs consist of several types of underground cavities, sometimes closely connected among themselves. Generally it is underground stone quarries where the construction stone - saw limestone was got. Stone quarries make about 95-97% of all labyrinth of the Odessa catacombs. Except for the stone quarries, with all their elements - adits, drifts, trunks, breakthrough etc., prospecting horizontal and vertical excavations - adits, holes here are known; military bunkers; underpasses; drainage tunnels; cellars of different function (they are often called "mines" in Odessa); storm collector tunnels; water wells; tanks; natural karstic and dilatancy caves and others. All it, connecting in various combinations among themselves also forms the Odessa catacombs. As part of underground cavities which together constitute the Catacombs there are not just real catacombs, artificial underground structures of religious purpose.

The most ancient element of the Odessa catacombs are karstic caves, arose more than 3,7 million years ago. Absolute dating of caves is carried out quite recently by a paleontologic method of geochronology. Other types of underground cavities were formed much later, not earlier than the beginning of the 19th century. At this time probably the underground production of saw limestone began, and the first cellars and underpasses were made. With the time the number of underground cavities and their types quickly increased, having reached a maximum in the first half of the 20th century.

Now the length of the Odessa catacombs is estimated at 2,5 thousand kilometers. This figure is calculated theoretically, more or less detailed information is 1,7 thousand kilometers of underground cavities.

Catacombs are a unique "Odessa subway", hundreds of kilometers of underground roads which were formed in the period of the city building 200 years ago when the construction stone was got from mines. They always played an important role in the history of Odessa.

In the first years of formation of the city catacombs serve as a shelter for various gangs and groups. There were warehouses of the various production taken out from Odessa by an illicit way. There were transit points for the kidnapped women in catacombs, from where they were directed into the slave markets to Turkey and the Arab countries. Catacombs added a bright page to the fighting biography of Odessa. In the days of the Great Patriotic War there were guerrilla groups underground.

You will get acquainted with the activity of one of them in the catacombs of Nerubayskoye village, having visited a unique museum of guerrilla glory which is at a depth of fourteen meters.

So what are catacombs, how they occurred and for what serve today, you'll learn in details, having been on this excursion. In the period of the Great Patriotic War there was the guerrilla staff in catacombs, and today, having been on our excursion, you will be able to see an underground museum.

The entrance tickets should be bought additionaly: 
For adults 15 UAH, 
for children 10 UAH.