Отдых в Карпатах откроет вам зеленую сказку горных вершин.


Duration: 2,5 hours 
Cost: by the group of 16+1 is 85 UAH 
Notes: Excursions in Odessa

Such an excursion could arise in any other city - Kiev, Moscow, St. Petersburg. There was stolen and plundered no more and %p not less, than at our place. But in Odessa it was done with a special "chic". Therefore about the Odessa robbers the whole %p legends, myths, literary works are put. About "acts" of the well-known Odessa robbers you can learn at the Criminal Odessa %p excursion.

After the capture by the Russian armies and the Ukrainian Cossacks of the Turkish fortress Hadzhibey it was decided to %p build here the city and a port. And people with the doubtful past, and frequently present, began to be flow to Odessa.

Odessa was the arena of the Son'ka Gold Hand activity.

Her real name is Shendlya Solomoniak, and she was born in the town of Povonzki near Warsaw in 1846. At an early age she %p was an unsurpassed pickpocket, in later years she moved on to more high-profile accomplishments that clearly indicated the %p uncommon artistry of the author.In the Moldavanka the known Mishka Yaponchik, the recognized head of the Odessa mafia was %p born, his real name is Mikhail Yakovlevich Vinnitsky. Under the name of Benya Krik he is known to all who read "The Odessa %p stories" by Isaak Babel. In the Moldavanka - one of the districts of Odessa, the highest thieves' academy trained "staff" %p not only for the Russian Empire, but also affected export. The former robber Moysha Oks (nickname is Kaylych) headed the %p educational institution.

Except for all others, in Odessa lived and "worked" Leva Zadov - the chief of the makhnovsky investigation, Shiko %p Yablochko, Nyuma Kotov and many other people well- and not well-known.

It is impossible to pass by such pages of the biography of our city. Everyone took out for himself a certain lesson of history. Unfortunately, the world still devides into descendants of Mishka and Son'ka, and those who pursue them. How this fight from first years of existence of Odessa was conducted, you learn during the Criminal Odessa excursion.