Excursion "Odessa Yards"
Cost: by the group of 16+1 is 85 UAH Notes: excursions in OdessaOdessa court yards...Many songs are sung about them, many poems are written, the uncountable quantity of jokes is thought up. It is a special page in the history of our city because in the beginning there were court yards! Yes, do not be surprised, the myth about Odessa began with the philosophy of the Odessa court yards.
In the Odessa court yards the most important secret of the Odessa color is kept. Do you want to solve it?
Today we offer you the cycle of the excursions created by us, helping to comprehend the secret of our great City. The first of them is excursion "The Odessa court yards". During the excursion you will be able to glance at the most unusual Odessa yards: y the yards of the well-known Odessa Moldavanka, with numerous wooden galleries (remember the movie "Elimination"); the yards drafts where the Odessa criminals hid themselves from detectives; and the yards noted by elements of Odessa "domestic sculpture" where the inhabitants of Odessa placed monuments to the well-known persons - well, where else you see a monument to the inventor of Esperanto?
You will visit smart court yards of Odessa: Pale-Royal (Odessa is a small Paris), the Italian court yard of the Odessa philharmonic hall, the court yard of arts and, certainly, the court yard of the Literary museum which is a garden of sculptures with the monuments, gifts from well-known Odessa sculptors.