Even in our wildest dreams we could not imagine that one day we would have at our disposal everything to do what we like.
"What is your favorite thing?" - You ask. "In fact, to organize your leisure time - we will respond quickly - to make it diverse, original and unique (in the sense of none other unique, we, of course, will be able and are even ready to repeat), useful and extremly educational. And we like it just because of you - so different, interesting, beautiful and brilliant "- so we'll finish our fiery speech and leave to work - namely, to create a creative things (and also the chaos in the office) and positive in large quantities.
It is the center for all those interested in all sorts of creative studios who go to plays, concerts and exhibitions, as well as for those looking for a room, where you could spend one or another cultural event.
Prices: from 80 UAH / person to 150 UAH / person
Markom travel agency service payment as for the theatres visit arrangement does not include entrance fees which should be paid by the consent of the parties.