Отдых в Карпатах откроет вам зеленую сказку горных вершин.

Treatment and prevention of diseases in Health Resort of Ukraine

Health Resort of Ukraine — treatment-and-prophylactic establishments for treatment and prevention mainly in natural ways (climate, Mineral Waters, dirt) and by physiotherapeutic means, a diet and a mode.

There are Health Resort of the general and special type. At many diseases during remission, (disappearances of sharp manifestations) sanatorium treatment is preferable.

The list of diseases at which this or that sanatorium treatment is avaliable:

  • Diseases of cardiovascular system.
  • Obliterating diseases of vessels. Thrombophlebitises.
  • Diseases of digestive organs.
  • Diseases of kidneys and urinary ways.
  • Diseases of a metabolism and endocrine glands.
  • Diseases of respiratory organs of not tubercular character.
  • Diseases of joints, bones and muscles.
  • Diseases of nervous system.
  • Diseases of female genitals.

Sanatorium treatment is contraindicated for those who suffers infectious (including venereal diseases), mental disorders, in a sharp phase of diseases, at tendency to bleedings, at malignant new growths, to women in the second half of pregnancy, and at existence of obstetric pathology.

Depending on prevalence of this or that natural factor resorts are subdivided on climatic, balneal and mud-medical.

Sanatoria in Ukraine are located both in resorts, and out of them, in districts with favorable climatic and landscape conditions, is more often near the cities (local Sanatoria). To local Sanatoria patients are sent after an extract from a hospital for an aftercare and when the trip on the remote resorts with contrast climate can harmfully be reflected in a condition of their health.

There are sanatoria for adults, children and teenagers, sanatoria for parents with children, and also specialized sanatoria. All sanatoria are specialized in Ukraine. The medical profile (specialization) of sanatorium in the resort depends on natural medical factors and the medical indications established for the resort.

Specialization of local sanatoria is established depending on local conditions, character and incidence structure in the region.

Sanatoria can be one-profile (for patients with uniform diseases) and versatile - with two and more specialized offices.

In the Ukrainian sanatoria the climatotherapy, a balneoterapiya, mud cure, thalassotherapy, etc. in combination with physiotherapy exercises, medical foods and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are widely used. Depending on a medical profile sanatoria are equipped with the corresponding diagnostic and medical offices: x-ray, electrocardiographic, functional diagnostics, physiotherapeutic, physiotherapy exercises, etc., and also clinical and biochemical laboratories. The sanatorium mode provides optimum conditions of treatment and rest. In sanatorium practice depending on a condition of the patient and weight of a disease three types of an individual mode are applied: sparing, shchadyashche-training and training.

There is the fullest list of sanatoria of Ukraine in 24 areas and the Autonomous republic Crimea is submitted on a site. This considerably facilitates search to you.

Having opened any area, you will be able to see names, addresses of sanatoria, and also what treatment and what prevention of diseases it is specialized in.

Also on a site phone numbers of all sanatoria that gives the chance to learn previously about existence of empty seats, payment and the list of offered services are presented.

Health Resort of Vinnytsa region


Sanatorium Radon

Hmelnik Revmatologiya and neurology. All the year round

Санаторий Хмельник


Hmelnik. The musculoskeletal. All the year round


Санаторий Подолье


Hmelnik. The musculoskeletal. All the year round


Санаторий Березовая роща

Birch Grove

Musculoskeletal device, cardiovascular system, nervous system, skin diseases. All the year round

 Санаторий Военный

Hmelnik — the central military clinical

Hmelnik. Nervous system, system of blood circulation, disease of joints, skin diseases, gynecology, musculoskeletal device, diabetes. All the year round


Санаторий Южный буг

Southern Bug

Hmelnik. Musculoskeletal device. All the year round

Health Resort of the Zakarpatye area

 Санаторий Верховина


Mezhgorodskiy district, village of Saimaa. Digestive organs (ZhKT), blood diseases. All the year round

Санаторий Высокие карпаты

The high Carpathians

Rakhovsky district, Yasinya. General improvement (salt inhalations, bathtubs). June — September, December — January


Санаторий Реабилитационный центр

Rehabilitation center "Mazda Motor Kiev"

Svalyavsky district, Polyana, at a resort of "Sonyachn Zakarpattya". Gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Перлина Прикарпаття

Perlyna Prikarpattya, Ministry of Internal Affairs rehabilitation center of Ukraine, branch of a resort "Sinyak"

Mukachevsky district, Sinyak, at the territory of aresort "Sinyak". Musculoskeletal device. All the year round


Санаторий Солнечная Далина

Solnechnaya dolina, boarding house

Svalyavsky district, Sonyachnoye. Treatment of patients with chronic diseases of digestive organs, chronic diseases of a liver and bilious ways. All the year round


Санаторий Горная Тиса

Gornaya Tisa

Rakhovsky district, Kvassi. Musculoskeletal device, peripheral nervous system, diabetes, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, system of blood circulation (Mineralnye Vody). All the year round

Санаторий Карпаты

The Carpathians

Mukachevsky district, village Carpathians. Cardiology, neurology. All the year round


Санаторий Квитка Полоныны

Kvitka Polonini

Svalyavsky district, Solochin. Diseases of a gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Деренивська Купель

SK "Derenivska Kupil" (children of 7 — 16 years)

Uzhgorod district, Nizhnee Solotvino. Cardiovascular system, kidneys. All the year round


Перлына Карпат

Perlyna Karpat

Mukachevsky district, village Carpathians, 43. Cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Поляна


Svalyavsky district, Polyana. Gastric intestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Синяк


Mukachevsky district. Sinyak. Musculoskeletal device, nervous system. All the year round

Санаторий Солнечное Закарпатье

Solnechnoe Zakarpatye

Svalyavsky district,Polyana. Gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Теплиця


90300 Vinogradov. Diseases of musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular diseases, treatment by thermal waters. All the year round

Санаторий Крешталеве Джерело

Kryshtaleve Dzherelo

Svalyavsky district, Solomin. Gastroenterology, diseases of a gastrointestinal path. All the year round

Санаторий Ропа

Ropa, sanatorium dispensary

Tyachevsky district, village Vilkhovtsy-Lazy. Musculoskeletal device, skin diseases. All the year round


Санаторий Солнечная поляна

Solnechnaya polyana, rehabilitation center

Svalyavsky district, Polyana. Gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Health Resort of the Ivano-Frankovsk region

 Санаторий Карпаты

The Carpathians

Dolina. Respiratory organs, gastrointestinal path. All the year round.

Санаторий Косов

Kosov (teenagers till 18 years)

Kosovan district. page of Smodna. Top respiratory ways, respiratory organs. All the year round


Санаторий Прикарпатский

Prikarpatsky (children of 7 — 14 years)

Yaremcha, Svobody St., 315. Pulmonary diseases, respiratory organs, antitubercular. All the year round

Санаторий Перлына Карпат

Perlyna Karpat

Dolinsky district, Vytvitsa. Gastrointestinal diseases, nervous system, musculoskeletal device. All the year round


Санаторий Карпатские зори

Carpatskie zori

Kosov, st. Nad Gukom, 15а. Respiratory organs. All the year round


Санаторий Берегиня

Bereginya (parents with children)

Yaremchansky city council, Tatarov, Nezavisimosti St.. Respiratory organs. All the year round


Санаторий Яремча

Yaremcha (sanatorium dispensary)

Yaremcha. Diseases of respiratory organs, digestion, nervous system, gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Health Resort of the Lvov area


Санаторий Алмаз


Truskavets. Digestive organs, metabolism, urology, diseases of kidneys and urinary ways, diabetes. All the year round

Санаторий Аркада


Truskavets. Gastrointestinal path, urology. All the year round


Санаторий Родина


Truskavets. Urology, gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Березка


Truskavets. Digestive organs, metabolism, urology, diseases of kidneys and urinary ways. All the year round


Санаторий Весна


Truskavets. Digestive organs, metabolism, urology, diseases of kidneys and urinary ways. All the year round


Санаторий Днестр


Morshin. Digestive organs, urinary ways, metabolism. All the year round


Санаторий Джерела Карпат

Dzherela Karpat

Turkivsky district, village Rozluch. Gastroenterology, zhelchekamenny illness. All the year round


Санаторий Женева


Truskavets. Gastroenterology, diseases of urinogenital bodies, zhelchevydelitelny bodies, liver, diabetes. All the year round


Санаторий Карпаты

The Carpathians

Truskavets. Gastroenterology. All the year round


Санаторий Кристалл


Truskavets. Urology, therapy. All the year round


Санаторий Молдова


Truskavets. Gastrologiya, urology, metabolism. All the year round


Санаторий Моршин


Stryysky district, Banya Lisovitskaya. Gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Моршинский

The Morshinsky

Stryysky district, Morshin. Digestive organs, metabolism and endocrine system. All the year round

Санаторий Нафтуся прикарпатья

Naftusya Prikarpatya

The Drogobychsky district, village Modrichi. Urology, gastroenterology, diseases of gepatobilyarny system. All the year round


Санаторий Немиров


Yavorovsky district, Nemirov. Musculoskeletal device, nervous system, postburn office. All the year round

 Санаторий Карпаты

The Carpathians

Skhodnitsa. Zhelchevydelitelny system, urinogenital system, diabetes, metabolism, gastrointestinal path. All the year round

Санаторий Полонына


Truskavets. Urology, therapy. All the year round


Санаторий Риксос-Трускавец


Truskavets, Gorodishche St. Gastrointestinal path, urology. All the year round


Санаторий Рубин


Truskavets. Urology, gastroenterology, office of mother and child. All the year round


Санаторий Центиральный военный

Truskavetsky central military clinical

Truskavets. Diseases of a liver and bilious ways, urinogenital bodies, diabetes. All the year round


Санаторий Трускавец


Truskavets. Urology, gastrointestinal path. All the year round


Санаторий Черемош


Morshin. Gastroenterology. All the year round


Санаторий Шахтер


Truskavets. Gastrointestinal path, urolithic diseases, gepatobilyarny system, musculoskeletal device. All the year round


Санаторий Янтарь


Truskavets. Digestive organs, metabolism, urology, diseases of kidneys and urinary ways (office of mother and child). All the year round


Санаторий Днепро-Бескид


Truskavets. Diseases of digestive organs and urological pathology. All the year round


Санаторий Перлына Прикарпатья

Perlyna Prikarpatya

Truskavets. Inflammatory processes of a liver and bilious ways, cholelithiasis, inflammatory processes of a gastrointestinal path, residual phenomena of an illness of Botkin, metabolic disorder, chronic inflammations of kidneys and urinary ways, urolithic illness, uric diathesis, sexual frustration of men, diabetes. All the year round


Санаторий Перлына Прикарпатья

Perlyna Prikarpatya

Morshin. Gastrointestinal path, zhelche-stone illness, diabetes, obesity. All the year round.