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Odessa – sea,sun and wine!

                                            4 days

Day 1

Sightseeing tour“Ah, Odessa – pearl by the sea” - explore the City,visit the main Points of Interest and feel Odessa spirit and atmosphere:Primorskyi Boulevard, Deribasovskaya street, Odessa Opera House, VorontsovPalace, monuments to Duke de Richelieu, Pushkin, count Vorontsov, Catherine II, Arcadia,Bolshoi Fountain, French Boulevard (Odessa Film Studio, Champagne Factory,Botanical Garden), Pushkinskaya street,Tamozhennaya square, Richelieu and Lanzheron streets.
A boat trip from Arcadia or Sea terminal.
Dinner in one of the cafes onDeribasovskaya street – international Odessa cuisine

Day 2

Tours in Odessa region
Option 1:   A tour toBelgorod-Dnestrovskiy Fortress(7 hrs)
Belgorod-Dnestrovsky Fortress is a center of theintersection of times and cultures. This unique tour gives you an opportunityto learn cultural traditions of the fraternal peoples of Bessarabia.Traditional Bessarabian lunch and magnificent folk ensemble will help you toplunge into the atmosphere of hospitality of Southern Ukraine.
Option 2: Wine Cultural CentreShabo and Zatoka (fullday)
Shabo is one of the ancientEuropean wine-making regions. “Wine Cultural Center Shabo”is the exclusive cultural center in Ukraine combining operatingadvanced enterprise, ancient wine cellars, degustation room, expositions ofmodern sculptures and architecture, and unique Wine and Wine-makingMuseum.
Wine tasting, lunch in a café by the sea. Time atleisure on the beach.
Option 3: Ukrainian Venice “FromVilkovo to Venice by gondola” (fullday)
Vilkovo - the land where a smallspace concentrated beauty of nature and the works of man. 
Rivers usually fall into the sea but the Danubebegins its journey from the sea.
Boat trip through the channels, picknick on theisland, Vilkovo wine Novak and unique fish soup
Option 4: Boat trip with seaswimming, champagne and snacks
The summer days in Odessa cann't be without seaswimming and sunbathing.
And what could be better then a sea boatingaccompanied by chilled champagne!

Day 3

Option 1: Tour “Criminal Odessa” .
Mysteries of Odessa’s past. Stroll around thedistrict of Moldavanka with its notorious characters Sonka Golden Hand andMishka Yaponchik. Catacombs and locations of popular books and films, legendaryOdessa Privoz market.
Option 2: Tour “Mysteries ofOdessa Fountain” revealsOdessa secrets of early 19th century. Districts of Great, Middle andSmall Fountains, “Abduction of Europe”, Golden Beach on the 16thstation of Bolshoy Fountain, sea swimming, photos. The tour will end at theGreat Assumption Monastery.
In the evening - a visit to the famous Opera House ornot less popular “Maski show”

Day 4

Tour to the Odessa catacombs
The Odessa catacombs are the mostfamous in the world and their length is more than 3000 kms. This undergroundlabyrinth runs under the city and has numerous exits to the sea. It is anunderground city of streets, lanes, squares and cul-de-sacs. The tour“Mysteries of underground Odessa” will be real time travel. You can enter tothe catacombs right in the centre of thecity in Moldavanka district.
In the nearby village ofNerubaiskoye there is also an underground Museum of Partisan Glory related tothe Second World War.
Tour and tasting at Shustov Cognac Museum.
Odessa always sought to the European qualitystandards. Shustov Cognac is one of a kind for its excellent quality receivedright to be called so, not being produced in French province of Cognac.
See you soon in Odessa!